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Weekly Lawn & Garden Tips

3/25/21 This world would be a better place, if there were more lovers and less haters. mw

We just had our St.Augustine lawn dug up because our lawn company advised that we had a fungus. They removed the top inch of soil and replaced it with an inch of very sandy loam and Bermuda seed. They have come back a couple of times to rectify some large areas that did not grow well. We now have a Bermuda grass lawn with some bad areas that are six feet long. What else can we do? Ed, Austin, TX
Mort's Answer:
Starting lawns from seed is not as effective as using sod. You will have to continue to top dress for at least another year. You can use winter rye in late November to fill in the bare spots. Continue with the fungicide treatment that they are using as well.

The interior of some of my evergreens in the foundation plantings have turned brown on the south side of the house. Is this a problem? Bill, Tulsa, OK
Mort's Answer:
As foundation plants get larger they will be affected by the lack of sunlight to produce photosynthesis. When they are smaller they may be burnt by the sun's reflection on their backside. Usually, most everegreens are brown because of the lack of sun penetrating the outer leaves. You could move the plants or move the house bac

Can we grow Crepe Myrtle here in central Illinois like the ones in North Carolina? Ed, Springfield.
Mort's Answer:
I would certainly try. Springfield is now in zone 6 and close to 5b. Lagerstroemia indica comes in alba, rubra and purpurea: white,red and purple respectively. With the trend toward warmer climates , more plants will be able to flourish in your area. Hedge your bet and plant them on the south side of a structure. Then, you can bet on a hedge. They can be pruned after the first year to the ground. They are also be trimmed into a bush or tree. They are easily regenerated from cuttings like the Rose of Sharon.

I recently acquired two Song of Jamaica plants. One of them has drooping leaves. Do you think that they were over watered? Can I dry them out? Cha, Earthlink
Mort's Answer:
Over watering is the most often abuse of plants. Excess water rots the roots. When plants start to wilt, people put more water on them. Plants need air and water. You can remove the soil from both plants. Examine the roots for brown and/or back soft tissue. Remove the affected roots until you reach white. Your new soil should be a two-thirds new potting soil and a third coarse sand. Put both plants in clay pots after you have dried the plants in the sun.

How can I get the book? "A Face Made for Radio"
Mort's Answer:
You can purchase my book, "A Face Made for Radio".
This autobiography is 11.95 per copy including S&H. It chronicles my first 25 years and the history of radio. Just mail check or money order to:

Mort White
50 Birch St.1201
Cranston, RI 02920.

Allow two weeks for delivery.

If you have a question you would like answered, call during our show time or e-mail us at

Please Note: that your lawn and garden questions can only be answered in the weekly Q&A page or on air during The Magic Garden radio show at 855-660-4261 from 8:06 to 10:00am ET on Saturdays.

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